Anyone who owns a home in New Jersey knows all too well the struggles that come with lawn care during the hot summer months. 3 months of Jersey heat and humidity can ravage what used to be a beautiful carpet of green grass.
So what can you do to maintain greener grass? How do you avoid seeing all that care and work you did in the fall and spring months go down the tubes when heat and humidity skyrocket?
For some, the answer seems obvious … irrigation (A.K.A. and underground sprinkler system). But what about the people out there that either can’t do it or can’t afford it?
Well, while there is no guarantee that your grass will stay green no matter what … we can tell you that if you do these 3 things LESS you will give your grass a fighting chance against that Jersey heat and humidity.
1. Water less.
There are many people out there who mistakenly think that if they keep running their sprinklers and hoses throughout the day they will help fight off the heat stress their grass is experiencing.
Unfortunately that’s just not true. When it comes to watering your lawn, quality is better than quantity.
First of all, the best time to water your grass is in the morning. If you run your sprinklers during the heat of the day most of the water will get lost to evaporation. And if you wait to do your watering at night, the excess moisture will just sit there increasing the risk of fungus.
Second of all, while 90+ degree days may merit daily watering, you don’t want to favor frequency over duration. If you want to grow grass that can endure the hot Jersey summer then you need to water longer, not more often. This will force your grass to go deeper for its water source resulting in a stronger and deeper root system that can endure drought conditions.
Only water when your grass needs it. If the ground isn’t dry you don’t need to run your sprinklers. Disease thrives in wet soil. Realize that lawns need only one-inch of water per week, including rainfall. However, if the heat is excessive soil can dry out in an under an hour so keep a close eye on your grass during heat waves.
2. Fertilize less.
Yes, greener grass requires fertilizer. But when grass is already stressed by heat, an application of fertilizer will send it over the edge. Fertilizer stimulates growth that saps your lawn’s energy and increases stress.
Save your fertilizer for when it’s much cooler.
3. Cut less.
We all love that crisp golf course looking bright green lawn, but when it’s really hot your grass needs some length. Longer grass results in stronger roots and greater stress tolerance. However, cutting your grass too short will sap its ability to produce energy for growth.
Of course every lawn is different. Different types of grass and shade conditions will greatly affect what you need to do, or not do, to give your grass the best chance at maintaining it’s green color and vitality.
The best thing you can do is have a professional take a look at your lawn and recommend a maintenance program tailored to your lawn’s needs. New Life has been helping property owners for over 10 years with their lawn care and maintenance.
Give the experts at New Life a call
and let them create a custom plan for you.
The post Want Greener Grass When It’s Hot As Hell? Do These 3 Things Less. appeared first on New Life.
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